I had a wonderful four days in Salt Lake City visiting my granddaughter, and somewhat her parents. Babies are a lot of work and need 24/7 monitoring. I don’t know how humans have continued to exist. Certainly not with help from me. Of course baby Gwen is gorgeous, certainly from 25% of her DNA coming from me. Her parents are wonderful and Gwen is going to be one beautiful charmer when she grows up.
I was lucky, sort of ($$$), to be able to get the fan blower motor replaced in Salt Lake City. All of the locations I called had a two week backup. The first option in the Google List of Chevy dealers was my last call, and they got me in the day I called, ordered the part, and installed it in a couple of hours the next day. Driving gravel roads with the windows up and the air conditioning on makes the van a lot less dusty. At $800+ for the repair, it adds another month to my belt tightening when I get back. Oh well, such is life.
Why should I have driven only 7 hours? Because Moab and the Arches National Park area is one of the most beautiful and geologically interesting areas on earth. I was focused on getting to southern Colorado so I regretfully drove through some of the most gorgeous scenery I’ve ever seen, with only the photo above taken near the end of the magnificent geology. An hour taking photos of a place I’ll probably never see again was an opportunity I’ll regret to have missed.

So, I stopped and took the photo above after regretting not taking at least one good photo along the beautiful drive. I made it to a truck stop 3 hours from the Lake Fork of the Conejos River, Colorado. Tomorrow I go after the Rio Grand Cutthroat Trout.
Tight Lines!