I was exhausted after yesterday’s float trip. My legs felt like I had overdone Leg Day in the gym. But, I had to head out to Mile 48 Pond for more fun. I quickly landed 3 fish and lost 3 while bringing them into shore. This should have been icing on the cake, but the fish quickly turned off to my presentations, while still actively sub-surface feeding within my casting range.
A bad 45 minutes of fishing ensued. I changed flies several times, and could not stop flicking the rod tip down at the last minute, resulting in the fly getting tangled in the leader. I was over exhausted, pouty, and demeaning the awesome experience I had that day on the Chena River. I realized all of this, and packed up, thanked the fish in the pond for 3 days of a wonderful time, and went to my campsite.

I had planned on driving to the highest road access for the Chena River, putting my gear on, and fishing all the way down to my campground. Perhaps 10 or more sections. But, my legs and the van getting over filled with empty soda bottles, trash, and unfolded clothes, led me to cleaning up the van first. I spent 2 hours, after pulling all my clothes, fishing gear, cooking gear, etc., resorting my stuff and getting the van back into somewhat of a cleared space.

I filled one 20 gallon garbage bag about half full with trash. A second one was totally filled with empty soda bottles. I recharged all my electrical devices, and cleaned/clear the passenger side to hold more stuff. My highlight was taking all my clothes that were unfolded and rolling them up and putting them into gallon freezer bags. I then put all the bags into the netting near the head of my bed. Now, I can see my clothes easily and pick them out as I get ready for the day.
Of course I was still tired and sore from the float trip yesterday. I decided to head to the Upper Chatanika River Campground for the night, as: 1) They had free fire wood at the campsites; and 2) Hank told me that there were pike below the lower river boat ramp. I envisioned my first camp fire of the trip, followed by chasing pike in the morning.

Alas, all the wood at the camp site was wet, and all the kindling sized pieces were gone (right side of the photo). I spent an hour, finally chopping one small piece into kindling, but I could not start a fire. I even used a half roll of toilet paper to no effect. I have to add gel fire starter to my emergency kit.
All in All, still a great day, and I have an organized, mostly clean van.
Tight Lines!